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Hi, my name is Anise Hirst and I am a transgender female who has joined the CCI team and I would like to share my experience.  After joining the CCI team here at Arrowhead Correctional facility I have come into a sense of well being.  I awake every morning with a newfound purpose.  I have discovered the joys of responsibility, the joys of being on time, and the simple joy of giving back to society after I've taken so much.

I've built self-esteem, I've battled and won over my sense of being a failure, and I've become a better person because of this opportunity I was given my CCI.  

In the end that's what this is all about.  CCI gave me a second chance to right the wrongs of failure that has plagued my life for so long.  And for that...I am CCI


Written by Jeremy Stephen Hirst

DOC #112293 AKA Anise Hirst