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Surplus Property


Form 276 Surplus Property Declaration - use this to declare what property you need to turn in, and schedule a pick up

Surplus Property want list - use this if you need a certain item and you think another agency might turn it in


Surplus Property Online Auction 


State of Colorado Surplus Fleet Vehicles Online Auction


Surplus Property Contacts:

For Pickups/Scheduling, Nick Morris at 720-661-3647 or

Supervisor, Jeff Pettee at 303-253-4096 or

Manager, Todd Cowens at 720-415-1451 or

Colorado Surplus Property Agency was established by the Colorado Legislature (CRS 17-24-106.6) to receive and dispose of property no longer needed by State agencies.  Agencies needing to dispose of property should complete a Form 276 and submit it to CSPA.  Upon receipt, CSPA personnel will schedule a pick up of the property or if the property is determined to be non-saleable, they will provide instructions for alternate disposal methods. 

CSPA charges for labor to pick up your surplus property at the rate of $100 per hour.  There is no cost if you deliver your property to CSPA, but there may be disposal fees if your property cannot be sold at auction.  There are additional fees and a list of items that CSPA will not accept on the instructions page of Form 276

CSPA also disposes of most State Fleet vehicles through an online auction.  CSPA details the vehicles and handles the title transfer paperwork.

Surplus Property online auctions are held at the links below.  Some items (primarily chairs) may be purchased in person at the CSPA warehouse at 11111 E 53rd Ave, Denver, CO 80239


GovDeals Colorado Surplus Property (General Surplus Items)


GovDeals Colorado Surplus Fleet Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Trailers, other motorized equipment)

If either of the above links goes to a general GovDeals page without any Colorado Surplus items, we don't currently have any listings available and you should check back later.


