The CI Farm at Four Mile Correctional Center utilizes authentic learning in a real world farm environment. We raise game birds and hay for sale on the open market. Incarcerated workers are trained by CI farm staff to use different types of equipment, machinery and advanced technology. The workers on the farm are learning responsibility and begin to develop a strong work ethic. Our Incarcerated farm workers learn about the importance of soil health and water quality by raising and harvesting crops, as well as developing important life skills. Workers learn how to manage their time and develop strong problem solving skills in multiple jobs at the farm.
Workers that raise the game birds are responsible and give proper care to the animal from chick to adulthood. They improve their communication skills with staff and have compassion for animals. Additionally, we have a recycling and composting operation where workers are trained how to operate a forklift and how to properly use a baler when breaking down cardboard boxes, and various other equipment. Workers use equipment to load trucks for compost, silage, and hay. Each product we work with requires a different loading method and skill. Importantly, our workers begin to appreciate the value of teamwork and how to work with one another to complete the day’s tasks.
The farm provides work and skills to be learned every day of the year, even in the “off season”. Workers perform maintenance on machinery, prepare for planting and prep the fields for the next season’s successful harvest.